How to Make a Print-On-Demand Website: 5 Tips to Be Successful

How to make a print-on-demand website? Making a print-on-demand website can be a very profitable business venture, but it’s essential to do it the right way to be successful. This blog post will give you five tips to help you get started on the right foot.

So whether you’re just starting or you’ve been in the business for a while and haven’t seen the success you want, follow these tips and see how your business grows!

What is Print-On-Demand Business?

A print-on-demand business is an eCommerce business where you sell custom-printed products. The most common type of print-on-demand product is clothing, but you can also sell mugs, phone cases, notebooks, and more.

The best part is that it is simple to start, costs almost nothing, and you can customize the things you sell, giving you an edge over your competitors. Although print on demand can initially appear challenging, anyone with a strong work ethic can achieve success.

Follow these simple steps to discover how to start a print-on-demand business, and you’ll be well on your way.

How to Make a Print-On-Demand Website?

how to a make print-on-demand website

You need to do a few key things to make a successful print-on-demand website, so let’s review them individually.

1. Choose Your Niche

The first step is to choose the right niche for your print-on-demand business. When it comes to choosing a place, there are two main things you need to consider: what you’re passionate about and what’s profitable.

You could choose to sell mugs with funny sayings if you like making people laugh, or you could sell phone cases with inspirational quotes if you’re into personal development. There are endless opportunities when choosing a niche, so make sure to pick one that’s right for you.

2. Select a Domain Name

Next, you must select a domain name for your website. Your domain name is how people will find your website online, so choosing something simple and descriptive of your business is crucial.

For example, if you’re selling mugs with funny sayings, you could use the domain name “” If you’re dealing with phone cases with inspirational quotes, you could use the domain name “” Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.

3. Find a Printing Partner

After you’ve chosen your niche and domain name, it’s time to find a printing partner. A printing partner is a company that will print your designs onto the products you sell.

There are many different printing partners, so it’s essential to research and find one that fits your needs. Make sure to compare pricing, quality, turnaround time, and shipping costs before making your decision.

4. Set Up Your Website

Now that you have a domain name and printing partner, it’s time to set up your website. If you’re not a web developer or designer, don’t worry! Many platforms, such as Shopify, make it easy to create a professional-looking website without any experience.

Once your website is running, it’s time to start adding products. Be sure to take high-quality photos of your products and write detailed descriptions, so customers know what they’re buying.

5. Start Marketing Your Website

The final step is to start marketing your website. There are many ways to market your websites, such as social media, Google AdWords, and email marketing.

Find the best method for you and start driving traffic to your site! The more people see your products, the more sales you’ll make.

What are the Most Profitable Print-On-Demand Items to Sell?

We may examine all the different niches and POD providers to determine which product categories are the most popular.

1. T-shirts

T-shirts are one of the most commonly sold items in the print-on-demand world. They’re popular because they’re affordable, comfortable, and easy to customize.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to T-shirt design. You can choose to sell shirts with funny sayings, inspirational quotes, or even just your company logo.

Print-on-demand providers, such as Printful and TeeSpring, make it easy to create and sell T-shirts online. All you need is a design, and they’ll take care of the rest.

T-shirts are an excellent choice for anyone looking to start a print-on-demand business because they’re easy to make and sell.

2. Hoodies

Hoodies are another popular product in the print-on-demand world. They offer the same benefits as T-shirts but are usually more expensive.

If you choose to sell hoodies, you’ll need to find a printing partner that offers high-quality printing at an affordable price. Once you find a provider, you can start designing your hoodies.

Like T-shirts, there are endless possibilities when it comes to design. You can choose to sell hoodies with funny sayings, inspirational quotes, or even just your company logo.

3. Hats

Hats are an excellent choice for people who want to sell print-on-demand products but don’t want to deal with clothing. They’re also a good option if you’re looking for a more high-end product.

Many hats, such as baseball caps, beanies, and fedoras. You can also find a variety of hat styles, such as snapbacks and fitted.

The design options for hats are endless. You can choose to sell hats with funny sayings, inspirational quotes, or even just your company logo.

Print-on-demand providers like Zazzle and CafePress make creating and selling hats online easy. All you need is a design, and they’ll take care of the rest.

4. Phone Cases

Phone cases are another popular product in the print-on-demand world. Nowadays, it’s uncommon to see someone without a phone, so it is reasonable that phone covers would top the list of best sellers, right?

They offer protection for your cherished smartphone and are also fashionable. Phone covers can be printed with virtually any phrase or design imaginable, from memorable sayings to eye-catching graphics.

It is an excellent way to identify your phone if you place it on a table with 20 other phones during a party.

5. Tote Bags

Tote bags are a popular choice for people who want to sell print-on-demand products but don’t want to deal with clothing. They offer the same benefits as T-shirts but are usually more expensive.

The designs are printed on a rectangular, flat surface, making it simple to resize, alter, and reuse designs from other print-on-demand products. You can also offer the matching tote bag as an upsell or cross-sell.

Boba Love, for instance, offers a variety of print-on-demand items, including tote bags. Several of the designs are duplicated from other product kinds or categories.

how to a make print-on-demand website

Why is Print-On-Demand Perfect For Your Business?

There are many reasons why you should consider using print-on-demand for your business. So, print-on-demand is an excellent way to test new product ideas without investing in inventory.

Print-on-demand products are usually less expensive than traditional manufacturing methods because there’s no need to order a large quantity of products upfront.

Plus, print-on-demand providers handle all of the manufacturing, shipping, and customer service for you. This means you can focus on running your business and leave the fulfillment to them.

Summing Up

Print-on-demand is the perfect solution if you’re looking for a way to sell products without investing a lot of money upfront.

You can sell many products, from T-shirts and hoodies to hats and phone cases. There are dozens of print-on-demand providers to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that meets your needs.